厦门东方城市雕塑策划制作有限公司是由雕塑家陈世根自广州美术学院后亲手创办的大型雕塑公司,聚集了多为美术院校的**雕塑人士组成的设计,制作以及生产的一个团队企业. 公司产品有:景观雕塑,人物肖像,园林雕塑,佛像,装饰性雕塑,酒店娱乐场所雕塑以及工艺品雕塑. 产品材料有:玻璃钢.玻璃钢仿铜,电镀,树脂,砂岩等. 公司地点在于我国美丽花园城市厦门,欢迎各界人士前来洽谈合作.Xiamen Oriental City Ltd is planning sculpture by sculptor Chen root since the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts after the large-scale sculpture personally founded the company, gathered a number of professional institutions for art sculpture composed of the design, production and the production of a corporate team . Company products are: landscape sculpture, portrait figures, garden sculptures, statues, decorative carvings, sculpture and crafts hotel ..